
Learn to build and deploy websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Week 1: Introduction to Web Development

scratch logo
  • Topics:
    • Chapter 1: What is Web Development
    • Chapter 2: What is HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    • Chapter 3: Web Development Environment

Week 2: Introduction to HTML

  • Topics:
    • HyperText Markup Language
    • Webpage Layouts
    • HTML Tags (head, body, header, main, footer, headings, nav, ul, ol, li, p)

Week 3: HTML Tags

  • Topics:
    • Video and iframe tags
    • Block and inline tags
  • Project:
    • Build an HTML webpage!

Week 4: Introduction to CSS

  • Topics:
    • Cascading Style Sheet
    • Embedded, Inline, External CSS
    • tag, id, class selectors
    • text styling
  • Projects:
    • Style your HTML webpage text!

Week 5: Styling with CSS

  • Topics:
    • Styling Background
    • Styling Border
    • Styling Shadows
    • Gradient
  • Projects:
    • Create a button!

Week 6: CSS Box Model

  • Topics:
    • Flexbox
    • Grid
  • Projects:
    • Style your HTML webpage layout!

Week 7: Responsive Layout

  • Topics:
    • Desktop, tablet and mobile viewports
    • CSS Media Rule and Mobile-first development
    • Responsive images
    • Collapsible Menu
  • Projects:
    • Make your webpage responsive!

Week 8: Javascript

  • Topics:
    • Introduction to JavaScript ES06
    • Noscript tag
    • Embedded, inline and external JavaScript
    • Console Log
    • JS Comments

Week 9: DOM, variables, data types, conditionals

  • Topics:
    • Document Object Model
    • Variables
    • Data types
    • If Statements
    • Operators
    • Boolean Logic

Week 10: Arrays and Functions

  • Topics:
    • Arrays
    • Strings
    • For Loop
    • While Loop
    • Nested Loops
    • Functions
    • Parameters
    • Return Statement
    • Built-in Functions
    • Scope
    • Arrow Functions
  • Project:
    • Use JavaScript to generate lists!

Week 11: Elements and EventListeners

  • Topics:
    • Live Selectors
    • Query Selectors
    • Events
    • Operators
    • Boolean Logic
  • Projects:
    • Toggle Menu
    • Popups
    • Form Validation

Week 12: Animations and jQuery

  • Topics:
    • jQuery CDN
    • jQuery Local
    • jQuery Selectors
    • jQuery Events
    • CSS Transitions
    • setTimeout and setInterval
    • requestAnimationFrame and jQuery animate
  • Project:
    • Add animation to your website!
    • Lightbox
    • Slideshow